Volunteer Application Form UNYTED Festival 2025 -


Liebe:r UNYTED-Volontär:in,

wir freuen uns von Herzen, dass du ein Teil unseres Volontär:innen-Teams sein und das UNYTED Festival 2025 mitgestalten möchtest. 

Als Ausgleich für deine Unterstützung erhältst du das Volunteer-Ticket für 100€ (exkl. Vorverkaufsgebühr). 
Das Ticket beinhaltet: 

 ♥ kostenloses Camping (Campingausrüstung wie Zelt etc. muss selbst mitgebracht werden)
 ♥ 30% Rabatt auf kostenpflichtige Kurse beim Festival (ausgenommen sind alle Angebote der Healing Area)
 ♥ Zugang zum UNYTED Festival Hauptprogramm
2 kostenlose Mahlzeiten an deinen Arbeitstagen durch unser Crew-Catering

Deine Arbeitszeit beträgt maximal 12 Stunden. In der restlichen Zeit bist du eingeladen, am Festivalprogramm teilzunehmen.

Nachdem du diese Bewerbung ausgefüllt hast, werden wir dich kontaktieren und dir mitteilen, ob du uns als Volunteer unterstützen kannst.
Die Aufgabenbereiche und Schichten werden wir vor dem Festival einteilen. Die Schichten sind nicht wählbar, du kannst aber versuchen, deine Schicht mit anderen Volunteers zu tauschen.
Hierfür wird es vor Ort ein Treffen geben. Unten im Formular findest du einen Link zu einem Dokument mit den diesjährigen Aufgabenbereichen.

Über unsere Telegram-Gruppe versorgen wir dich bis zum Festival mit allen wichtigen Neuigkeiten und Updates.

Auf eine unvergessliche Zeit  ♥

dein UNYTED Team

****************** ENGLISH VERSION BELOW ******************


Dear UNYTED-Volunteer,

we are truly delighted that you want to be part of our volunteer team and contribute to the co-creation of the UNYTED Festival 2025.

In exchange for your support, you will receive the Volunteer Ticket for 100€ (excluding the presale fee).
The volunteer ticket includes: 

 ♥ free camping (you must bring your own camping equipment such as tent etc.)
 ♥ 30% discount on paid courses at the festival (with the exception of all offers in the Healing Area)

 ♥ access to the UNYTED Festival main program
 ♥ 2 free meals on your working days due our crew catering 

Your working time will be a maximum of 12 hours. The rest of the time you are invited to participate in the festival program.
After you have completed this application, we will contact you and let you know whether you can support us as a volunteer.
We will assign the shifts before the festival. The shifts are not selectable, but you can try to swap your shift with other volunteers.
There will be a meeting for this on site. Below in the form, you will find a link to a document with this year's volunteer roles. 

We will provide you with all important news and updates via the volunteer telegram-channel until the festival.


Your UNYTED Team


Email *

Please tell us your e-mail address where we can reach you reliably and send you your volunteer contract.

Do you agree that we send you emails with all information about volunteering at the UNYTED Festival 2025? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Name *
Building Name/ House Number *
City *
Zip/Postcode *
State/County *
Country *
Date of Birth *
Mobile Phone Number (where you can be reached at the festival and via telegram) *
When would you like to support us? (several answers possible) *
Deko Preparation (May 2025, tbc)
Pre-Festival (set up): 23. - 26.06.2025
Festival: 26.06. - 29.06.2025
Post-Festival (dismantling): 29.06. - 01.07.2025
On Thursday (26th June, 2025), there will be a site tour for our crew and a welcome circle for our volunteers
It would be wonderful if you could make it possible to arrive on Thursday, and perhaps even begin your first shift that day.

Please read the following volunteer rolls and tasks carefully and confirm your willingness to support us. *
Here you find a list of all the roles and tasks before, during and after the festival.
The tasks are not selectable, but we will do our best to find the right place for you.
Our volunteer coordination will introduce you to your area of responsibility on site.

Are you physically restricted? If so, what restrictions are worth mentioning for our assignment to the areas of responsibility?
Have you been volunteering at our festivals before?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?

Thank you so much for your time and energy to fill in the application form ♥.
You will here back from us soon.